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Shankar Paudel

Team Member

He is a Natural Resource (Forest) management and community level climate change adaptation expert with more than twenty years of experience with participatory forest management, community mobilization, vulnerability assessment and community-based climate adaptation planning and implementation.

His professional career encompasses more than two decades of outreach, advocacy, policy dialogue and project implementation and management experience with major international organizations (WB, ADB, DFID, USAID, FAO, UNDP, DFAT etc.), supporting governments and concerned stakeholders on mainstreaming and integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation to ongoing development interventions. He has been a team leader and team member in various multidisciplinary teams of professionals for conducting field work and delivering technical analytical policy advice on climate change adaptation, mitigation, natural resource management and good governance.

In the early nineties he worked in the US based organization, The Mountain Institute (TMI) in Himalayan region particularly focusing on bio-diversity conservation and community development through capacitating and mobilizing forest dependent communities. He gathered experiences working with local government, community-based organization and forest dependent communities in bio-diversity protection and management of national park.

Shankar has worked largely in Nepal, India and East Timor. He is highly skilled in participatory vulnerability assessment using IPCC framework and preparing community based climate adaptation plan preparation for developing resilience of vulnerable population. He is highly skilled in coordinating multi-stakeholders, conducting field work and delivering technical analytical advice on climate adaptation at different levels: governments, NGOs and communities of resource users.

Additionally, for the last 5 years, Shankar is leading Rupantaran, a national NGO of Nepal with the capacity of Executive Director. He has leaded the implementation of relevant climate projects such as: DFID’s Livelihoods and forestry programme for about 10 years, USAID funded ICCA (Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation) project in 8 districts, UNDP/SGP funded developing climate resilience project through managing natural water bodies, GiZ funded Recovery Project as National Coordinator, ADB funded District Training on Climate Change and Community Based Adaptation Planning Training as Lead Trainer, Senior Programme Officer for DFID/SDC/Govt of Finland Funded Multi-stakeholder forestry programme.

Likewise, he has provided advise to the World Bank funded REL (Reference Emission Level) study, Researcher for DFID funded scoping study for Green Growth in South Asia, Project Manager for EU/FAO funded FLEGT project, USAID funded PAHAL/Food For Peace programme, DFID funded Anukulan/BRACED project, AUS Aid funded Governance and Livelihoods Project, SDC funded home garden project and others.

He obtained a B.Sc. in Forestry from Tribhuvan University Nepal, M.Sc in forestry from Wageningen University, the Netherlands and post graduate certificate from University of Cumbria, UK. He is a native speaker of Nepali, and fluent in both English, Hindi and Urdu languages.

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