By Miguel Trillo
The main goal will be to evaluate the relevance, performance, impacts, sustainability, external utility, and enhance climate resilience in CARIFORUM countries, aiming to build the resilience of the region by reducing risks and vulnerabilities from climate change to human-made and natural assets in CARIFORUM countries.
The evaluation is expected to be summative and explore the level of impact of the intervention on the lives of the beneficiaries. Furthermore, the evaluation will examine the impact of the project at both regional and national levels to determine the extent to which anticipated outcomes were produced. Therefore, the evaluation should provide an impartial review of the programme’s results based on its intended theory of change. The results, lessons learned, and recommendations generated from this final programme evaluation will be used to inform future programming.
The specific objectives will be:
- The relevance of the Programme to the achievement or non-achievement of its objectives and planned results.
- The effectiveness of the implementation of the programme’s activities and the methodological intervention strategy to achieve the expected results, including interactions with other actors and the synergies made or that may have taken place.
- The effectiveness with which gender and inclusion issues was incorporated into the programme.
- The level of appropriation of the beneficiaries of the training and other activities promoted by the Programme, considering the effective leadership of national and local authorities and other key actors that guarantee the sustainability of the results achieved post EU funding.
- The impact of the Joint Programme by seeking to answer the changes made as a result of the Programme.
- The level of visibility and communication of the different issues promoted by the programme and the visibility of donors and partner institutions.
- The level of interactions with other similar programmes in the region.