Development of an Implementation Plan, Financing Strategy and M&E Framework associated with the Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change in the Caribbean
The CCCCC has engaged OIKO to undertake consultation with fourteen (14) CARICOM Member States and develop an appropriate comprehensive Implementation Plan, Financing Strategy, M&E Framework and reestablishment of a RCCCC towards operationalizing the Climate Change and the Caribbean: The Revised Regional Framework.
The development process was such that the regional framework, and the deliverables of this consultancy, were considered living documents owned by a cross section of stakeholders including Governments, nonstate actors, communities. It was necessary as well for this development process, to be gender sensitive and culturally appropriate. The deliverables of this assignment were presented to the CARICOM Community Council and the Heads of Government as such should be audience appropriate.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
- Undertake a comprehensive Desk Review, execute an inception meeting, and subsequently prepare an Inception report including desk review findings, a detailed methodology, timelines and delivery milestones, stakeholder mapping and risk management strategies
- Undertake stakeholder consultations in accordance with stakeholder mapping and consultation plan to investigate, assess, and document mitigation and adaptation measures and or actions taken by various sectors, both nationally and regionally, towards the implementation of the Revised Regional Framework.
- Produce an Implementation Plan (IP) along with an associated Financing Strategy (FS) and a Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Framework (MERF) aimed at operationalizing the Revised Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change (2019-2029).
- Develop a draft Terms of Reference and an Annual Work Plan (AWP) of the RCCCC that actions the Revised Implementation Plan and updated TOR in line with existing reporting structure of the CARICOM Secretariat.
- Organize and deliver a Regional Dialogue to determine interest and resource availability for framework implementation and to validate the revised Implementation Plan, Financing Strategy, M&E Framework, and an updated TOR and AWP of the RCCCC
- Prepare a final consultancy report summarizing project execution, analysis of proposed and realized timelines, outputs, and documentation of bottlenecks, challenges and lessons learned
2022 · 2023