Oiko designed nature-based solutions (NbS) with an ethnic and gender-equity approach, to increase the resilience of rural mountain communities in protected natural areas affected by extreme weather events in Honduras

The objective of this Technical Assistance was to strengthen the resilience of rural mountain communities to the impact of climate change located in the Montaña de Celaque National Park in Honduras.

Achieving this objective required risk assessments, co-design of an Adaptation Plan built around Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), and capacity building in the communities, national institutions, and local government.



As a result, the final outcome was the design and implementation of a model of co-governance for an ecosystem-based adaptation plan, which entails the possibility of replication and upscaling in other similar areas. The project enabled local communities to take ownership of activities that will help them to manage natural resources and strengthen their human capacity, with the aim of improving their quality of life and generating rural sustainable development in their communities.

Moreover, the development of Naturebased Solutions aimed at sustaining resilient ecosystem services and reducing risks to natural disasters will promote agro-environmental models and facilitate the reincorporation of indigenous communities’ traditional practices such as ancestral socio-ecological measures to improve livelihoods and strengthen resilience to extreme weather events.





2022 · 2023



Locals from Chimis Montaña

 Capacity building monitoring in the 3 selected communities

The izote plant is used to control landslides and to feed the local population

Local crops located on high slopes with constant risk of land slides