Software for Climate Change and Land Use Planning in Costa Rica
Development of a protocol for the planning, management and implementation of adaptation measures in land use planning at the level of Local Governments in Costa Rica.
OIKO developed, under the funding of CTCN, a Land Use Protocol to increase resilience to climate change in Costa Rica enabling local governments to develop climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in Land Use Planning LUPs, working in conjunction with key stakeholders, such as public institutions and the private sectors. The process included a participatory approach to build the technical and technological capacity of the Government officials (Strategic Environmental Assessment Department), enabling them to develop the technical basis needed to guide local governments in the process of assessing and identifying climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in land use plans.
The Protocol combines spatial data from international, national and local open sources, applied through the integrated use of various GIS, design and statistical tools in one single software tool. It allows to conduct land use foresight for investigating and providing information about future land use and impacts of possible land use decisions on society, the economy and the environment. It comprises a range of analytical tools and approaches that have been introduced through the planning process, combined with traditional practices including social and environmental impact assessments. Zoning and development plans, which may have a major impact on the environment and community, must be assessed for their environmental and social impact. These assessments are often done in conjunction with risk and vulnerability analyses for the planning area.
The Climate LUP Protocol is a software application tool that will be used by local government planners to reduce climate risks in four ways:
- limiting development in hazard-prone areas
- ensuring that the built environment can withstand a range of environmental stress
- helping to preserve natural environments that protect communities against hazards (for example, dunes that absorb coastal storm effects)
- educating stakeholders and decision makers about risks and opportunities and fostering dialogue about adaptation
Stakeholders: The Climate Change Department, technical staff from the governmental institutions involved in land use planning (SETENA, National Hydrometeorology Institute, National Groundwater, Irrigation and Drainage Service – SENARA, National Institute for Housing and Town Planning – INVU, Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements – MIVAH, Costa Rican Institute of Tourism – ICT, Institute for Municipal Development and Assistance – IFAM) and (CATIE) The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center.
Costa Rica
2017 · 2018