Technical guidance and support to conduct a technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Paraguay
Paraguay is a landlocked developing country with a highly dependent economy on the primary sector, which makes it highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as temperature increase, pattern change in rainfall, and intensity and frequency increase of extreme weather events.

Technology is an important aspect to be taken into consideration in climate change both in strengthening mitigation and adaptation measures and in building resilience. The absence of a comprehensive Technological Needs Assessment (TNA) for the country increases the difficulties in determining the level and extent of support needed for implementation of the National Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other national development priorities, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The country faces lack of specialized skills required in climate technologies, innovations, and knowledge. Other barriers include inadequate infrastructure services to ease acquisition of appropriate technologies, lack of market awareness, lack of research and development of green technologies, inadequate incentives and enabling environment for technology transfer.

Protected and deforested areas in Paraguay. Source: Oikologica

Generally, these barriers affect the development and transfer of climate technologies in the country. More specifically, the country lacks a coordination mechanism between various climate actors in the country, as well as a clear and shared understanding of what the specific technology needs are in each sector. In addition, it has also a lack of a country project pipeline that inhibits climate investment.

Key activities

  • Develop and validate the Work Plan with MADES and the key actors
  • Mapping of actors involved, clarify roles and responsibilities. Validation workshop of actors involved with the NDA (MADES)
  • Establishment of an ENT Committee, in charge of guiding the project and validating all deliverables
  • Selection of sectors and sub-sectors for the Evaluation (Analysis of sectoral needs, meetings with the ENT Committee)
  • Evaluation and selection of key technologies for NCDs (sheets)
  • Development of a Technological Action Plan and support its implementation with communications and training
  • Holding a national consultation workshop for the deployment of technologies
  • Engage the private sector, with a workshop for opportunities to engage the sector






Fund. Moisés Bertoni · Investigación para el desarrollo


Itaipu Damm between Brazil and Paraguay