Building Grenada’s Strategic Framework to Enhance the Country’s Capacity to Transition to Low Emission Development

Building Grenada’s Strategic Framework to Enhance the Country’s Capacity to Transition to Low Emission Development

Building Grenada’s Strategic Framework to Enhance the Country’s Capacity to Transition to Low Emission Development

The aim of the project is to catalyze a significant change in approach do that Grenada can transition towards a development path with lower emissions. This transition involves creating a plan called the Low Emission Development Strategy and Action (LEDSA) Plan. By making this shift, Grenada aims to decrease its greenhouse gas emissions and fulfill its commitments outlined in its NDCs and Energy Policy. The assignment focuses on Grenada’s efforts to develop and strengthen its strategic frameworks. These frameworks aim to tackle policy gaps, enhance sectoral expertise, and create supportive environments for Green Climate Fund (GCF) programming, particularly in low-emission investments.

This endeavor will primarily result in the creation of the Low Emission Development Strategy and Action (LEDSA) as a crucial national document. The LEDSA will serve es a guide for Grenada’s transition towards low-emission development.

This task directly contributes to two outputs of the GRD-RS-007 project:

  • Identifying business opportunities and stimulating interest and innovative investments in various sectors such as Power, Transport, Agriculture, Hotel and Commercial, Manufacturing, and Household. The private sector’s role is emphasized to determine how their investments can be effectively integrated nationally to bolster financing and support Grenada’s Low Emission Development (LED) GOALS.
  • Develop a Resource Mobilization Strategy for Grenada’s Low Emission Development Strategy and Action (LEDSA). This strategy will provide a clear direction of accessing climate financing from a range of sources including national, regional, and international entities, as well as through bilateral and multilateral partnerships. These funds will be instrumental in financing the implementation of low-mitigation options and investment opportunities outlined in the LEDSA.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Stakeholder consultations and engagement
    Pre and post effectiveness surveys
    Formulation of a Sectoral Business Opportunities Report
    Resource Mobilization Strategy
    Capacity Building and Workshop





2024 · Ongoing


Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC)

Volcanic Crater

Old St. George’s Port

New St. George’s Port

Africa and Asia · Economic and Public Financial Management expertise to climate adaptation projects

Africa and Asia · Economic and Public Financial Management expertise to climate adaptation projects

Economic and Public Financial Management expertise to climate adaptation projects in Africa and Asia

The projects under this framework contract aims to develop innovative solutions for national governments and local communities to adapt to the predicted effects of climate change in an environmentally sound manner by investing in the protection and restoration of ecosystems that are vulnerable to climate change and vital for increasing human resilience to climate change impacts.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Economic appraisal of adaptation strategies, therefore supporting the relevant Ministries of Finance in contributing to the countries’ climate policy, through a climate finance and green economy approach, including a baseline assessment of climate-relevant processes and alignment with national policies and NDCs.
  •  Continuous engagement with local stakeholders, through the approach of embeddedness, with government officials and identified key stakeholders, to enable a co-designing process of the country’s financing strategies and the CPEIR. This results in the development of adaptation financing strategy for the assigned country and a Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) focused on adaptation.
  • Gender mainstreaming approach, which considers the local gender cultural context, the relationship between gender, climate change, climate finance, NDCs and practical ways to engage women and men equally.
  • Capacity building and knowledge transfer to guarantee the continuity of the project and enhance the implementation of the Climate Change Policy Roadmap.





2024 · Ongoing



Identifying climate finance and carbon pricing opportunities in the forestry sector of Ukraine

Identifying climate finance and carbon pricing opportunities in the forestry sector of Ukraine

Consultancy services to identify climate finance and carbon pricing opportunities in the forestry sector of Ukraine

The mission of this project was to scope carbon pricing and climate financing opportunities in the forestry sector in Ukraine, including recommendations for strengthening the MRV systems, as well as building overall capacity at SFRA and MEPNR on these topics. The work is divided into three (3) tasks:

  1.  Identify the potential and list the different climate finance and carbon pricing options for the forestry sector in Ukraine, including the benefits and challenges of each option and provide recommendations for next steps.
  2.  Assess the existing MRV system for the forestry sector and identify any gaps relevant to climate finance and/or carbon pricing in the sector, along with recommendations to improve the MRV system’s performance and capabilities;
  3. Conduct capacity and knowledge building workshop(s) on carbon pricing and climate finance topics relevant to the forestry sector, including best practices approaches to MRV of the sector.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Identification of climate finance and carbon pricing opportunities in the forestry sector of Ukraine.
  • Deliver two capacity building workshops in Ukraine on hybrid mode to share the outcome of the assignment to relevant national stakeholders and client.
  • Assessment of Ukraine´s existing MRV system for the forestry sector.
  • Identify gaps and deliver recommendations for climate finance, carbon pricing and MRV settings.




2024 · Ongoing


EU · The World Bank

Design of tailor-made climate products and services to advance the mainstreaming of science-based evidence of climate change risks into adaptation planning

Design of tailor-made climate products and services to advance the mainstreaming of science-based evidence of climate change risks into adaptation planning

Technical Support for the development and roll out of tailor-made climate products and services to advance the mainstreaming of science-based evidence of climate change risks into adaptation planning at the local level in LoCAL member countries

The goal of this framework contract was to establish technical partnerships to support the LoCAL countries to develop and roll out tailor-made climate products and services to advance the mainstreaming of sciencebased evidence of climate change risks into adaptation planning at the subnational level.

The actual services provided by your staff within the assignment were:

• To undertake country-wide or localized Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessments, identifying and mapping climate risk, exposure, and vulnerability hotspots.
• Design, pilot and roll out of Local Information Systems for Adaptation (LISA) to enhance assessment of and response to climate change impacts.
• Undertake cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and/or impact evaluations of adaptation projects or portfolios of projects.




2023 · Ongoing



Protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems (Emerald Network) in Azerbaijan · EU4Environment Programme

Protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems (Emerald Network) in Azerbaijan · EU4Environment Programme

Protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems (Emerald Network) in Azerbaijan · EU4Environment Programme

Consultancy services to support the protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems (Emerald Network) in Azerbaijan.

Helping the country preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being by supporting environmental-related action, unlocking opportunities for green growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risk impacts.

The project is aimed at promoting sustainable natural resources management, economic development and participation at local community level.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Development of a Roadmap for the further establishment of the Emerald Network
  • Development of methodological guidelines for the preparation of the Emerald Network Management Plans (ENMP)
  • Development of Management Plans for the selection of 3 Emerald Network sites.
  • Building national capacity for the further application of the Guidelines for the preparation of the ENMPs enhancing strategic financing to the forest and natural resource management sectors.

Map of Azerbaijan showing the Emerald Sites and the offical Government Protected Areas





2023 · 2024



Caucasian leopard · Panthera pardus tulliana

Caspian tit · Poecile hyrcanus

Talish pheasant · Phasianus colchicus talyshensis

Iris Caucasica

Oiko developed a Technical Guidance for the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and Technology Action Plan for the implementation of Ivory Coast´s NDC

Oiko developed a Technical Guidance for the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and Technology Action Plan for the implementation of Ivory Coast´s NDC

Oiko developed a Technical Guidance for the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and Technology Action Plan for the implementation of Ivory Coast´s NDC

Update of a comprehensive Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and Technology Action Plan (TAP) to enable Côte d’Ivoire to implement its climate targets using the most appropriate technologies, in this case developing an Integrated Climate Technology Innovation System (ICTIS) and creating an enabling environment for the prioritized technologies that will address the country’s needs in climate change Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) UNEP adaptation and mitigation.

This includes identifying technical capacity-building needs for the deployment of technologies and software creation/adaptation and implementing the TAP in close cooperation with all stakeholders.




2022 · 2025



Designing nature-based solutions with an ethnic and gender-equity approach in the Celaque rural mountain communities

Designing nature-based solutions with an ethnic and gender-equity approach in the Celaque rural mountain communities

Oiko designed nature-based solutions (NbS) with an ethnic and gender-equity approach, to increase the resilience of rural mountain communities in protected natural areas affected by extreme weather events in Honduras

The objective of this Technical Assistance was to strengthen the resilience of rural mountain communities to the impact of climate change located in the Montaña de Celaque National Park in Honduras.

Achieving this objective required risk assessments, co-design of an Adaptation Plan built around Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), and capacity building in the communities, national institutions, and local government.



As a result, the final outcome was the design and implementation of a model of co-governance for an ecosystem-based adaptation plan, which entails the possibility of replication and upscaling in other similar areas. The project enabled local communities to take ownership of activities that will help them to manage natural resources and strengthen their human capacity, with the aim of improving their quality of life and generating rural sustainable development in their communities.

Moreover, the development of Naturebased Solutions aimed at sustaining resilient ecosystem services and reducing risks to natural disasters will promote agro-environmental models and facilitate the reincorporation of indigenous communities’ traditional practices such as ancestral socio-ecological measures to improve livelihoods and strengthen resilience to extreme weather events.





2022 · 2023



Locals from Chimis Montaña

 Capacity building monitoring in the 3 selected communities

The izote plant is used to control landslides and to feed the local population

Local crops located on high slopes with constant risk of land slides

Oiko provided technical assistance to the Government of Paraguay to leverage the value of their natural resource assets, with a focus on the forest, for greener and more diverse exports

Oiko provided technical assistance to the Government of Paraguay to leverage the value of their natural resource assets, with a focus on the forest, for greener and more diverse exports

Oiko analysed the potential for bioeconomy opportunities in Paraguay, identifying growth in selected markets for high priority value chains for the bioeconomy

The project analysed the potential for bioeconomy opportunities in Paraguay, identifying growth in selected markets for high priority value chains for the bioeconomy. Gaps in policy, institutional and financial requirements were identified in order to capitalize on the selected bioeconomy opportunities. The analysis resulted in the identification of three (3) value chains in the bioeconomy connected to the forestry sector where Paraguay could substantially increase its growth over the next 5-10 years. Based on the analysis, strategic repositioning options for Paraguay will be identified, including which segment(s) could be targeted, and the necessary investments as well as policy, regulatory and institutional changes that would be required to support the development of Paraguay’s productive capacity within the segment.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Market analysis of the global evolution and future trend of the selected sectors.
  • Identification of Paraguay’s current global positioning.
  • Identification of more attractive, higher value-added segments that Paraguay could target.
  • Identification of policies, supporting institutions, and infrastructure that Paraguay requires (at a minimum) to compete successfully and appropriate greater value in current markets and penetrate new markets.
  • Consultations with the public and private sectors.





2022 · 2024


The World Bank

El Chaco Region

The dried riverbed of Rio Pilcomayo in the General Diaz Chaco region

CARICOM Members · We made a consultation to development an Implementation Plan, Financing Strategy and M&E Framework to Support Resilient to Climate Change

CARICOM Members · We made a consultation to development an Implementation Plan, Financing Strategy and M&E Framework to Support Resilient to Climate Change

Development of an Implementation Plan, Financing Strategy and M&E Framework associated with the Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change in the Caribbean

The CCCCC has engaged OIKO to undertake consultation with fourteen (14) CARICOM Member States and develop an appropriate comprehensive Implementation Plan, Financing Strategy, M&E Framework and reestablishment of a RCCCC towards operationalizing the Climate Change and the Caribbean: The Revised Regional Framework.

The development process was such that the regional framework, and the deliverables of this consultancy, were considered living documents owned by a cross section of stakeholders including Governments, nonstate actors, communities. It was necessary as well for this development process, to be gender sensitive and culturally appropriate. The deliverables of this assignment were presented to the CARICOM Community Council and the Heads of Government as such should be audience appropriate.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Undertake a comprehensive Desk Review, execute an inception meeting, and subsequently prepare an Inception report including desk review findings, a detailed methodology, timelines and delivery milestones, stakeholder mapping and risk management strategies
  • Undertake stakeholder consultations in accordance with stakeholder mapping and consultation plan to investigate, assess, and document mitigation and adaptation measures and or actions taken by various sectors, both nationally and regionally, towards the implementation of the Revised Regional Framework.
  • Produce an Implementation Plan (IP) along with an associated Financing Strategy (FS) and a Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Framework (MERF) aimed at operationalizing the Revised Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change (2019-2029).
  • Develop a draft Terms of Reference and an Annual Work Plan (AWP) of the RCCCC that actions the Revised Implementation Plan and updated TOR in line with existing reporting structure of the CARICOM Secretariat.
  • Organize and deliver a Regional Dialogue to determine interest and resource availability for framework implementation and to validate the revised Implementation Plan, Financing Strategy, M&E Framework, and an updated TOR and AWP of the RCCCC
  • Prepare a final consultancy report summarizing project execution, analysis of proposed and realized timelines, outputs, and documentation of bottlenecks, challenges and lessons learned





2022 · 2023



CARIFORUM KAP · Knowledge, attitude and practices surveys related to climate variability, change and awareness strategies

CARIFORUM KAP · Knowledge, attitude and practices surveys related to climate variability, change and awareness strategies

CARIFORUM KAP · Conduct of knowledge, attitude and practices surveys related to climate variability and change and development of awareness strategies

Support the climate compatible development of the CARIFORUM countries to combat the negative impacts of climate change, while simultaneously exploring opportunities presented. The project consisted in the following phases:

  • Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices pertaining to climate variability and climate change using KAP surveys.
  • Formulation of country specific public education and outreach strategies on climate variability and change.
  • Capacity Building using Training Programme aimed to enhance the capacities of key national stakeholders to implement the Awareness Programme and to train others, as necessary.


Map showing the flood risks due to climate change in the Dominican Republic.

Map showing the flood risks due to climate change in the Dominican Republic.




2021 · 2022


The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre