2022 · Uruguay

RD&D of climate technologies for the reduction of GHG emissions in dairy farms

Client: Climate Technology Centre (CTCN) UNEP

Identify and study climate technologies and circularity practices for the treatment and use of flows and materials. In addition, technologies that have worked at the pilot level but have challenges for scaling up will be studied, with the objective of replicating the technologies at the national level. Centralized models that include waste from other agricultural industries will be evaluated to determine management models, assessing their economic feasibility and co-benefits, and identifying the actors that should participate.

2021 · Togo

Development of a methodology to create climate-smart communes in Togo and formulate 4 mitigation and adaptation action plans

Client: Climate Technology Centre Network (CTCN)

Provide Togo with a conceptual framework for the development of climate-smart communes in close cooperation with all stakeholders.

  • Apply this methodology to develop climate change adaptation and mitigation plans, defined on the basis of 10 selected communes which will represent the Togo’s diversity in terms of climate.
  • Develop 4 mitigation and adaptation action plans for 4 communes, that will provide guidelines on how to develop climate-smart communes. The main sectors that will be taken into account will be energy, agriculture, transport, waste and land use.

2021 · Paraguay

Technology Needs Assessment and a Technology Action Plan for Paraguay

Client: Climate Technology Centre Network (CTCN)

Provision of Technical Guidance and Support to conduct a Technology Needs Assessment and a Technology Action Plan for Paraguay, to strengthen the national processes and enable the technology transfer to aid in the realization of the climate change and development strategies.

2021 · Cameroon

Renewable Water & Energy of dairy product supply chain

Client: Climate Technology Centre Network (CTCN) / UNIDO

Formulation and Support to the implementation of an integrated climate Smart Water-Energy-Livestock project for the Dairy Value Chain in the municipalities of Petté and Wina in North Cameroon.

2020 · Paraguay

Environmental Feasibility Study EUD Paraguay

Client: EU

Technical Assistance (TA) to the EU Delegation in Asunción in identifying strategic areas of support for its future cooperation with Paraguay in the climate change sector: “decarbonization of strategic sectors, urban mobility plan, climate risk of supply chain, conservation of natural resources, etc, to protection and fight against climate change”.

2021 · CARIFORUM Countries

Conduct of knowledge, attitude and practices surveys related to climate variability and change and development of awareness strategies

Client: The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

Support the climate compatible development of the CARIFORUM countries to combat the negative impacts of climate change, while simultaneously exploring opportunities presented. The project consists in the following phases:

  • Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices pertaining to climate variability and climate change using KAP surveys.
  • Formulation of country specific public education and outreach strategies on climate variability and change.
  • Capacity Building using Training Programme aimed to enhance the capacities of key national stakeholders to implement the Awareness Programme and to train others, as necessary.

2020 2021 · Mongolia

Switch Off Air Pollution (SOAP) Project Scale Up strategy study

Client: GERES · EU

Support to the “Energy efficiency advisory and financial intermediation for sustainable housing in unplanned areas of Ulaanbaatar project” (Switch Off Air Pollution). The project, funded by the European Commission in “Asia SWITCH Asia II – Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production” with the following objectives:

  • Defining climate technological options for scale-up of SOAP, with various levels of ambitions, corresponding social, economic and environmental impacts.
  • Exploring with the local financial system and private bank, different avenues for climate financing.

2020 · Botswana

Review and revise the Current Botswana Nationally Determined Contributions

Client: UNDP

Review, revision, and re-alignment of the Botswana NDC to existing and new policies, frameworks developed in the country since 2015 and the Sustainable Development Goals to ensure an integrated approach, enhanced implementation of the NDCs. The process also includes a) an expansion of the existing NDC to other sectors, the Land use land use change and Forestry (LULUCF), Biodiversity and Ecosystems and Industry and Manufacturing and b) cost Effectiveness analysis of technological options to reduce emissions, c) Proposal of MRV.

2020 2021 · 6 Caribbean Countries

Training and Development of Climate Risk and Coastal Scenarios

Client: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Training and support the use of models to enhance understanding of risks from climate change related events in order that those risks can be managed through integrated interventions. This will include providing training to Government officials of six (6) Caribbean PPCR (Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience) countries, to build case-studies, using real-world examples of developing scenarios, to inform coastal and marine spatial planning decisions. The results will be used to inform national coastal and marine policy decisions in the different countries during a Master Course. The objective of the Master Course training (one year) is to develop scenarios to investigate the consequences of alternative planning policies and inform coastal management plans.

2020 · 2021 · Equatorial Guinea

Technology Needs Assessment and Technology Action Plan

Client: UNIDO

Technical Assistance (TA) to Conduct a Climate Technology Needs Assessment and associated Action Plan of climate change mitigation and adaptation needs identified in Equatorial Guinea’s prioritized economic sectors. The objective of the TA is a) to present several strategic, long-term, participatory transformational technological measures across 4 identified and prioritized sectors, b) Provide climate finance strategy that will drive climate resilient and low carbon growth in Equatorial Guinea.

2020 Ongoing · Kingdom of Bhutan

Final Evaluation of the Technical Cooperation Project

Client: The European Union Delegation to Bhutan

Final evaluation of the Technical Cooperation Project in Support of the Renewable Natural Resources Sector in Bhutan. The evaluation served as an independent assessment of the:

  • Extent to which the project achieved its intended results
  • Factors that contributed or created obstacles in the achievement of results
  • Identification of the key lessons that would lead to improved future action in the country
  • Proposed practical recommendations and a roadmap that can be addressed through the ongoing EU supported initiatives in the country.

2020 · Mali

Feasibility study on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Mali (UNREDD+)

Client: European Delegation in Lesotho Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA Phase II)

Preparation of the feasibility study on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest Degradation in Mali (UNREDD +). Funded by the second phase of the EU AGCC Mali Program.

  • Determine the basic elements necessary for mastering general knowledge
  • Identify the necessary tools for a better  understanding of the technological and financial context of the REDD + mechanism
  • Identify the tools and procedures to prepare and take into consideration in Mali
  • Identify standard tools for national projects
  • Development of technological needs and communication platform

2020 Ongoing · Bangladesh

Climate Risk Assessment

Client: Local UNDP

Conducted a Physical Climate Vulnerability and Social-Economic Risk Assessment with Infrastructure assessments of 9 LIUPC (Livelihoods Improvement of Urban Poor Communities) in Bangladesh.

2020 Ongoing · Mediterranean Coastal Countries

Climate Finance Assessment

Client: The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean

Technical assistance to conduct Feasibility Assessment and Analysis of climate finance instruments & mechanisms for the Mediterranean region with the aim of analysing efficiency, effectiveness, coherence and impact, and provide recommendation to enhancing mobilisation of climate finance for specific vulnerable population or sectors, while building on lessons learned in other regions, such as Caribbean or Latin America.

2019 · Ethiopia

National Climate Change Strategy

Client: European Union

Technical Assistance to Support the formulation and implementation of the National climate Change Strategy:

  • Support development of scenarios and modelling of forest mitigation
  • Enhanced integration of climate action in budgetary processes
  • Support the planning and preparation of NDC on forest-based mitigation actions
  • Support the design and setting up of IPCC compliant MRV systems.

2019 · Kyrgyzstan


Client: EU

Technical Assistance to Support the formulation and implementation of the National climate Change Strategy:

  • Support development of scenarios and modelling of forest mitigation­
  • Enhanced integration of climate action in budgetary processes
  • Support the planning and preparation of NDC on forest-based mitigation actions
  • Support the design and setting up of IPCC compliant MRV systems

2019 · Kyrgyzstan


Client: EU

Technical Assistance to Support the formulation and implementation of the National climate Change Strategy:

  • Support development of scenarios and modelling of forest mitigation­
  • Enhanced integration of climate action in budgetary processes
  • Support the planning and preparation of NDC on forest-based mitigation actions
  • Support the design and setting up of IPCC compliant MRV systems

2018 2019 · Mongolia


Client: European Union

Conducted the Final Evaluation of the EU-Mongolia Sustainable Growth Project (EG4EG)

2018 2019 · Mongolia

National Sustainable Development  Strategy

Client: European Union

Technical Assistance to conduct the Formulation of National Public Sector Reform Programme.

2017 · Belarus Czech Republic

National Inventory Guidelines

Client: UNFCCC

Reviewed UNFCCC 2006 GHG inventory Guidelines in sector Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), a mission funded by UNFCCC secretariat.

2017 · Caribbean Region


Client: IADB

OIKOLOGICA was selected by the Inter-American Development Bank to be part of the ECOMICRO Program, a microfinance program with the objective of facilitating microfinance services to smallholders and MSMES. After its success in Latin America, IADB has launched the second phase of the program, which will be carried out in the Caribbean with national financial institutions.

2017 · Ghana

Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility Project

Client: Local UNDP

Technical Assistance to increasing local governments’ access to climate finance:

  • Climate adaptation is mainstreamed into local government’s planning and budgeting systems;
  • Increased support to local government in climate adaptation;
  • Increased finance available to local governments for climate adaptation.

2017 · Jamaica

Support to the design of the 11th EDF programme for Environment and Climate Change

Client: EU

The objective of the assignment is to support the formulation of the Environment and Climate Change Programme, by assisting the Planning Institute of Jamaica and the EU Delegation in coordination with the main stakeholders, in identifying and prioritizing the relevant interventions for Jamaica to be funded under the Programme in relation to Jamaica’s natural resources management; encompassing sustainable environmental management; climate adaptation and mitigation and early warning and disaster preparedness.

2017 · Timor Leste

International Consultancy Firm to conduct Vulnerability Assessments and Community Action Plans

Client: UNDP

The goal of this assignment is to conduct a vulnerability assessment and to develop community action plans for the communities living in the Dili-Ainaro Road Development Corridor (DARDC). In this assignment, we are

  • (i) undertaking participatory vulnerability assessments for the target communities,
  • (ii) identifying mechanisms for integrations of the findings from the vulnerability assessments into municipal planning,
  • (iii) developing climate risk responsive community action plans and mechanisms to mainstream climate risk and,
  • (iv) building capacity of the key national and sub-national government stakeholders engaged in the vulnerability assessment process.

2017 · Saint Lucia

Consultancy for Preparation of Ecosystem Services Valuation within the North East Coast Iyanola Region (NEC-IR)

Client: Gov. of Saint Lucia

The overall objective of this consultancy is to deliver an Ecosystems Services Valuation (ESV) of the natural resources within the NEC-IR. This ESV will establish biodiversity and ecosystem services information on the economic value of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. These should include mechanisms for assessing and valuing ecosystem performance, as well as documenting results to build on work at the national level. The Consultancy will also identify mechanisms and measures to integrate the values of biodiversity into relevant national and local policies, programmes, planning processes and reporting systems, in a manner suited to national circumstances.

2017 · Afghanistan

Climate Budgeting Assessment MRV

Client: General Budget Directorate Afghanistan

Conducted the Climate Budgeting System Assessment (ACBS) of the Ministry of Finance to introduce adjustments to planning and budgeting to ensure climate change public policies and expenditures takes account of climate change and reduces the loss and damage, by integrated climate actions into each step of the planning and budget cycle.

2017 · Kingdom of Lesotho

Improving living conditions and position of the Lesotho smallholder

Client: Denmark Lesotho Network (DLN)

Evaluation to assess the effectiveness, relevance, performance and overall potential sustainability of the Project. The evaluation will identify success in all key areas, including lobbying, advocacy and capacity building to smallholder farmers for their engagement with government on climate policy and priorities in support of improved productivity and market linkages.

2017 · Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Countries (ACP)

Formulation of the Climate Services Programme

Client: European Union / Particip

Formulation of the Intra-ACP Climate Services Programme (11th EDF). Programme to strengthen production, availability, delivery and application of science-based climate prediction and services. The specific objective of the ACP-EU  programme is to strengthen the climate services value chain by boosting Adaptation and Resilience to climate change in the ACP countries and regions.

2017 · Costa Rica

Introducing Climate Change Adaptation in Land Use Plans

Client: UNIDO

The project consists in providing technical assistance to Costa Rica’s SETENA, building capacity both in SETENA and in selected municipalities, in order to introduce climate change adaptation into land use planning through a participative process with institutions, the academic community and other relevant stakeholders, with the goal producing a Technical Guideline and a GIS software decision making tool.

2017-2016 · Honduras, Colombia, Bolivia, Guatemala

Evaluation of South-South Cooperation Fund

Client: UNIDO

Evaluated the coherence and the adequacy of the instrument to the needs and conditions of the countries receiving aid from the Triangular Cooperation & Evaluate the efficiency of the instrument regarding the enhancement of the objective of the Regional Fund.

2016 · Kingdom of Lesotho

Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility Project (LoCAL)

Client: UNDP

Climate Development Fund
Provided Technical Assistance to contribute to increasing local governments’ access to climate finance and building resilience to climate change:

  • Climate change adaptation is mainstreamed into local government’s planning and budgeting systems;
  • Increased awareness and support for the role of local government in climate change adaptation; 3) Increased amount of finance available to local governments and local economy for climate change adaptation and resilience.

2016 · Kingdom of Lesotho

Support to the Public Finance Management Reform

Client: EU

Provided Technical Assistance to Ministry of Development Planning to strengthen the Monitoring and Evaluation System of the National Strategic Development Plan.

2015-2016 · Latin America

Center of Environmental Technology

Client: GIZ

Improved the results of the Peruvian Center for Environmental Technology by increasing the efficiency of management and by including more technical demand-based offers, so that the Center can fulfill the need for technological transfer with reliable laboratory services and highly qualified technical personnel.

2015-2016 · Myanmar

Public Finance Management Reform

Client: GIZ

Formulated support to the Public Financial Management National Reform strategy for Strengthening democratization and governance. Assessed the PFM and on-going economic policies, macroeconomic stability, fiscal policies, accountability and governance of PFM and the PFM reform strategy, the macroeconomic framework and transparency and oversight.

2015-2016 · Kingdom of Bhutan

Local Governance Support

Client: EU
Formulated the National Renewable Natural Resources Sector Program and integrated with the Global Climate Change Support Program. Conducted dialogue with Green Sector government agencies and development partners to formulate the action plan for the national Renewable & Natural Resources policy and strategies and to measure its performance and impact.

2015 · Cambodia

National Strategic Development Plan

Client: EU

Supported the EU in the Mid-Term Review of “Promotion of inclusive and sustainable growth in the Agricultural Sector: Fisheries and Livestock” to improve productivity and diversification of agriculture; promote market access of agricultural production; strengthen institutions, legal framework & human resources development.

2015 · Africa, Pacific, Caribbean

2nd Phase of Global Climate Change GCCA+/ACP Programme

Client: EU + GCCA (Global Climate Change Alliance)

Conducted the identification and formulation of the 11th EDF Intra ACP Global Climate Change Alliance GCCA+ Programme. Conducted climate risk vulnerability, climate needs assessment, reviewed green regional and sectoral strategies and priorities, analyzed institutional and technical and organizational aspects of the new Programme. Conducted a detailed study and all necessary consultations with key stakeholders in Africa, Caribbean, Pacific and Europe and recommended allocation of financial support based on risk assessment and capabilities.

2014 · Marshall Islands

National Renewable Energy Strategy
and Policy

Client: EU

Conducted an eligibility and vulnerability assessment by formulating a Support Program (8 mill Euros) for the Energy Sector. Reviewing the macroeconomic expenditure, analyzed public financial management scenarios, conducted a thorough assessment of the Climate Change Mitigation—Energy Sector (SRC), and recommended concrete support for the Renewable Energy Sector in the outer islands of RMI.

2014 · Republic of Mauritius

National Climate Change Strategy

Client: GCCA

Prepared the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy to the National Sustainable Development Strategy.

2013-2014 · Republic of the Seychelles

National Climate Change Strategy

Client: GCCA

Formulated the National Program for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Seychelles for the Global Climate Change Alliance. Drafted the strategy and prepared the logical framework for five GCCA priority areas: sustainable agriculture and integrated watershed management, REDD, participation in the Clean Development Mechanism, disaster risk reduction, and mainstreaming climate change.

2013 · East Kalimantan Indonesia

Biomass Mapping Assessment

Client: EU

Conducted a biomass energy use diagnosis and strategy in Indonesia to create a regional center of excellence in renewable (particularly biomass-based) energy technologies in East Kalimantan. Conducted a comprehensive study of agricultural and forestry residues, reviewed soil classification, compost, biochar, bioenergy, etc.

2013 · Latin America



Conducted the ex-post Evaluation of GIZ-CEPAL/ECLAC (UNDP) Cooperation Program to analyze governments’ capacity to formulate, implement and assess integrated and coordinated climate change adaptation and mitigation sector policies in Latin America, covering sustainable development, integrated natural resource management, carbon markets, renewable energy.

2013 · Panama

Strengthening Program Fiscal Management

Client: IADB

Conducted the ex-post Evaluation of GIZ-CEPAL/ECLAC (UNDP) Supported the Ministry of Economy and Finance in the preparation of the five-year Indicative Investment Plan 2014–2019 and the five-year sectorial investment plans. Gave input to the formulation of the Strategic Plan of Government 2014–2019.

2013 · Panama

Support for the Public Security Sector

Client: EU-IADB

Contributed to the formulation of a joint EU-Panamanian sector support programme in the field of citizens’ security, in close coordination with the relevant national institutions, particularly with the Ministry of Public Security. Assisted to produce a complete set of project formulation documents, in line with the relevant EU policies and strategies.

2013 · Namibia

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, including Energy

Client: EU Delegation in Namibia

Designed a project to allow non-state actors, local authorities and parastatals to address issues of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Mapped agricultural and forestry residues for biomass utilization. Produced a soil map of possible interventions. Determined deficiencies in the enabling environment for renewable energy pro¬motion.

2012 · Bhutan

Impact Evaluation of Local Governance Support

Client: BaA / EU

Delegation New Delhi Conducted the Financial Assessment and Impact Evaluation of Funds for the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). Supported decentralization and local governance through Local Governance Support Program (LGSP) in Bhutan and ongoing Joint Support Program (JSP) on capacity development for mainstreaming Environment, Climate Change and Poverty (ECP).

2012 · Lesotho

National Climate Change Support Program

Client: MWH – GCCA – EU

Formulated the Food Security and climate change National Program. Designed and formulated the program for greater consistency between natural resources sectors (agriculture, forestry, livestock, and food security) and climate change. Diagnosed and mapped resilience, adaptive capacity and mitigation potential of the agricultural and natural resources system production system.

2012 · St. Vincent and the Grenadines

National Poverty Reduction Strategy

Client: Caribbean Development Bank

Formulated an appropriate, coherent and comprehensive poverty reduction strategy, with climate change adaptation measures in coastal areas. Formulated a Disaster Preparedness Strategy including costing and a time-bound action plan for reducing poverty in St. Vincent and the Grenadines over the next five years.

2012 · Vietnam

Technical Assistance to Formulate National Poverty Reduction

Client: EU

Evaluated the National Poverty Reduction Strategies to formulate support of Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Vietnam; analyzed and evaluated the multi-donor poverty reduction program and evaluated the contribution of ODA funds to poverty reduction in rural areas among indigenous communities in Vietnam; reviewed assessments of key areas: social sector policies, agricultural policy, monitoring framework, mapping.

2011 · Bhutan

Public Finance Management (PFM) Reform Program

Client: EU

Supported the EU in assessing Bhutan’s eligibility for sector budget support regarding the PFM system, including establishing the baseline. Conducted an assessment of the eligibility criteria with regard to the macroeconomic situation. Supported the EU in reaching a mutually agreed PFM grid to monitor and assess PFM reform progress.

2011 · Bhutan

Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

Client: MWH GCCA / EU

Formulated the Budget Support Program to the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. Assessed the risk and vulnerability of the sector to climate change. Proposed to enhance sustainable rural livelihoods through improved agricultural and livestock diversification, adaptation, productivity and commercialization, sustainable forestry & water.

2011 · Cape Verde

PEMFAR of Water and Sanitation Sector

Client: World Bank

Conducted a Public Expenditure Financial Accountability Review (PEMFAR) of the water and sanitation sector which allowed combining the assessment of Public Expenditure Review PER with an assessment of public expenditure management and financial accountability (CFAA). Reviewed the budget for sustainable and preventive water policies which cover flood control prevention, disaster preparedness and early warning systems.

2010 · Guatemala

National Food Nutrition Security Plan

Client: EU

Contributed to the actualization of the Strategic Plan of Food and Nutritional Security (PESAN) 2009-2012. Analyzed and revised the food security monitoring system of SESAN. Developed the methodological and statistical basis for performance indicators.

2010 · Ecuador

Technical Assistance for the PASES Programme

Client: EU

Supported SENPLADES and other government institutions of Ecuador to implement the National Sustainable Development Programme. Good Living National Plan (GLNP). Provided technical assistance to SENPLADES to support the implementation of activities in the framework of the GLNP. Contributed to the Support Programme for an Economic, Solidary and Sustainable System (PASES).

2010 · Honduras

Poverty Reduction & Local Development Strategy II

Client: IADB

Reduced the conditions for poverty in the country through decentralization and municipal development in three action areas: Institutional Framework and Policies to optimize the decentralization of the public sector, Strengthening Municipal Governments by the provision of an integral training and technical assistance and a pilot program of financial support for municipalities.

2010 · Guyana

Poverty Reduction Budget Support Program

Client: EU

Contributed to the finalization of the Action Fiche for the general budgetary support program to Guyana under the 10th EDF by providing the relevant information for the various sections. Prepared performance indicators for the 10th EDF General Budget Support Program using the guidelines.

2010 · Guatemala

Result Based Management for Ministry of Health

Client: EU

Provided training to government officials of Ministries of Finance and Health to improve results based management of public expenditures.

2009-2010 · Trinidad y Tobago

Socio-Economic Baseline in National Adaption Strategy

Client: EU

Delegation in T&T & Guyana
Assessed the quality of data collection at the Central Statistical Office to monitor the implementation of the National Sugar Adaptation Strategy for Trinidad and Tobago (T&T NAS). Formulated socio-economic baseline conditions in the areas affected by the strategy. Helped improve data collection and curation by relevant government agencies.

2009 · Lesotho

Local Governance and Non-State Actor Support Programme

Client: EU Delegation in Maseru

Provided technical assistance to conduct a community and district profiling exercise in three mountain districts in Lesotho. Conducted agro-ecological and socio-economic assessment. Provided workshops with indigenous communities for poverty profiling. Conducted collection and collation of up-to-date, relevant, accessible and accurate information. Designed a planning tool at community and district level.

2009 · Saint Lucia

National Strategic Action Plan for Ministry of Agriculture

Client: EU Delegation in Barbados

Formulated a National Strategic Action Plan for the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry and Fisheries. Assisted the decision makers in St Lucia to assess agricultural resources (biomass, fisheries, forestry, agriculture). Assist in the formulation and implementation of a national agricultural policy and strategy, to improve competitiveness in the banana sector and to achieve agricultural diversification.

2009 · Guatemala

National Food Security and Nutrition Program

Client: EU

Formulated the National Food and Extreme Malnutrition Support Program in the framework of the National Strategy in Guatemala (PESAN 2007- 2016). Analyzed the efficiency and effectiveness of poverty reduction and food security programs. Analyzed public revenues and expenditures. Designed the implementation modalities and a financing plan for implementation of the Food Security Sector Programme.

2008 · Guyana

Ocean and River Defenses Sector Policy Framework

Client: EU

Formulated the National Sea and River Defenses Policy Framework to reduce the potential impact of climate change in coastal areas, reduce the risk of floods, improve living conditions in the coastal zone and to reduce poverty. Designed a Policy Framework for the Sea and River Defense Sector.

2008 · Macedonia

Capacity Building for Aid Coordination

Client: Government of Macedonia

Conducted an Impact Evaluation of the Capacity Building for Aid coordination Project. Analyzed national aid effectiveness. Assessed the donor coordination institutional context, changed the donor community strategy and trained government officials in an alternative approach to the provision of foreign aid. Strengthened and streamlined the operational features of the National System for Coordination of Foreign Assistance (NSCFA).

2007-2008 · Latin America, Africa, Asia

Impact Evaluation of Socio-Economic Microfinance Trust Fund


Carried out an instrumental, intermediate, and formative evaluation of the MTF. The MTF fights against poverty in developing countries through enhancement of microfinance services. The MTF tries to meet the needs of economic and social sectors that do not have access to the traditional financial system, or it does not satisfy their needs properly.

2007-2008 · Morocco

Evaluation and Impact Assessment

Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain

Evaluated social development programs to implement key policy actions for rural livelihood for the reduction of extreme poverty. Evaluated cost benefit, relevance and level of attainment of the objectives and assessed progress in relation to relevance, cost-effectiveness, sustainability and economical and social impact of food security operations.

2007-2008 · Egypt

Agriculture-Trade Enhancement Program (TEP-A)

Client: EU

Provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture & Trade to conduct the negotiations on agriculture exports within the EU-Egypt Association Agreement (EEAA) on tariff reductions and increased quotas on selected agricultural products: fruit and vegetables, rice, cotton, sugar confectionary, dairy products, and frozen food.

2007 · Guyana

National Program for Poverty Reduction

Client: EU

Formulated a national support program for poverty reduction in Guyana: a) identified and proposed to the Government of Guyana and the EC Delegation a revised set of indicators for the additional variable tranche along existing indicators within the PFM, social housing and health sectors and to facilitate the negotiations on the same.

2007 · Venezuela

Impact Assessment Evaluation and Country Diagnosis

Client: EU

Conducted a workshop and prepared a cluster development strategy for the renewable energy sector of PETRO. Provided solutions to access sustainable sources of clean, reliable and affordable energy: rural electrification, rural roads infrastructure (rural electricity grids in highlands), affordable energy, reliability and commercial viability of solar and wind power, biomass, cooking stoves, small-scale hydropower dams.

2007 · Dominican Republic

National Economic Governance Programme

Client: EU

Formulated the national Economic Governance Programme to enhance Government Public Service Delivery of Research, Innovation and Technology Services to improve Competitiveness. Assessed government institutions in the sector. Reviewed public expenditure. Analyzed the Technology Development Policy. Proposed policy reforms and regulatory framework for innovation.

2007 · Bolivia

PROCOIN · Workshop for Export Partnership Training

Client: Republic of Bolivia

Facilitated workshops to enable a supply chain approach for the agricultural cluster as well as for export partnership training with a dynamic approach. Created alliances to ensure business agricultural export. Identified potential partnership groups in the agricultural sector in Bolivia. Prepared guidelines for training in creation, management, and follow-up of Export Partnerships, adapted to the Bolivian context and to the concerns of companies.

2007 · Bolivia

PROCOIN · Strategic Plan for Supply Chain Training

Client: Republic of Bolivia

Identified and selected potential consortia partnerships to integrate groups of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) into export production chains. Selected sectors with a high potential to form consortia partnerships and high commercial growing opportunities between Bolivia and the EU. Analyzed the viability of business association among SMEs.

2005-2006 · Bolivia

AL-DIAGNOS · Diagnosis and Analysis for Regional Integration

Client: EU

Addressed information gaps identified during the AL-Invest Programme. Provided targeted information on national and regional macro-economic and market conditions for trade and investment. Provided identification of activities for the development in other areas of intervention for EC economic and trade cooperation, e.g. through feedback from AL-Invest beneficiaries on EU-LA trade and investment co-operation.

2005 · Costa Rica

Sustainable Development Strategy of the Brunca Region

Client: IADB

Formulated the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Brunca Region in Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Assessed agricultural land use, household vulnerability, potential climate change adaptation strategies and livelihoods. Developed a geo-referenced information systems (GIS) with alternative natural resource use scenarios. Developed an Indicative Land Management Functional Plan for baselines and to guide the strategic guidelines.