By Miguel Trillo
Great news! We have been awarded the GEF-GoSL project in Saint Lucia!
We will be conducting an Ecosystem Services Valuation project within the beautiful Iyanola region, the North-East coast of the tropical Caribbean Island. In a consortium with the local partner, Palm Integrated Services and Solutions Ltd. we will be analyzing and identifying mechanisms and measures to integrate the values of biodiversity into relevant national and local policies.
St. Lucia has a tropical climate strongly influenced by its broken, rugged topography. Rainfall increases and temperature decreases with altitude, and the western side of the island experiences higher rainfall. The island experiences distinct rainy and dry seasons. The assigned Consortium and proposed team combine local and international experience with proven methodology.
The overall objective of this project is to deliver an Ecosystems Services Valuation (ESV) of the natural resources within the region. OIKO LOGICA will mobilize a multicultural and multi-skilled team with a broad experience in Ecosystem Services Valuation, with the aim to preserving biodiversity and to raise awareness on the huge economic value of marine and terrestrial ecosystems.