Disaster Risk Management in Timor-Leste

The Dili-Ainaro Road Development Corridor project funded by the UNDP aims to strengthen the resilience of communities living in the Dili-Ainaro Road Corridor to climate induced disasters such as floods and landslides and to reduce the risk of damage to road infrastructure.

OIKO has worked to build capacities of government officials to identify and anticipate climate risk and provide the investments for disaster risk management measures using ecosystem-based approaches. We helped the Ministry of Social Solidarity to conduct a risk and vulnerability assessment and the preparation of the community Risk Disaster Management Action Plan.

OIKO engaged in direct consultative dialogue at national level with government partners and stakeholders at Dili, and then conducted a field survey and research among the vulnerable communities (25 sucos).

OIKO conducted 25 municipal vulnerability analysis containing environmental, economic, and social dimensions, and climate proofing of the infrastructure sector. Throughout the exercise, OIKO developed a tool to convey a zonal Climate Vulnerability Index for the municipalities, which helped identify its main vulnerability areas and aspects, including areas with a high risk of flooding and landslide. Based on the results of the Climate Vulnerability Diagnosis we proposed a set of adaptation measures, which include enhancing adaptive capacity, ecosystem-based adaptation measures, and infrastructure measures.


Timor Leste


2017 · 2018



Strong wind, drought, flood, landslides, drought, and fire are the most common  hazards