Updating technology needs assessment (TNA) and development of a Technology Action Plan for Ivory Coast

Updating technology needs assessment (TNA) and development of a Technology Action Plan for Ivory Coast

By Miguel Trillo

Updating technology needs assessment (TNA) and development of a Technology Action Plan for Ivory Coast


This Monday 12 and Tuesday 13, our consortium celebrated Technology Prioriation workshop for the energy, waste, water resources and agriculture sector.

In the break out rooms, the stakeholders discussed the technical results of the project team and shared their feedback that will be incorporated into Ivory Coast’s new technology needs assessment, that will be accessible soon online.

23rd Advisory Board Meeting of the United Nations Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN)

23rd Advisory Board Meeting of the United Nations Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN)

By Eugenia Lagutkina

The Advisory Board meets yearly to provide direction on the CTCN’s fulfillment of the COP’s guidance. Held from April 22-24, 2024, in the CTCN Headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, this event brought together the consultative board dedicated to advancing climate technology solutions.

Our CEO, Miguel Fernandez Trillo, Climate Technology Specialist, showcased our completed projects displaying the application of climate technologies tailored to provide solutions for end users of specific projects and regions.

Climate finance and carbon pricing opportunities in the forestry sector

Climate finance and carbon pricing opportunities in the forestry sector

By Eugenia Lagutkina

Congratulations on the recent success of our Asia Department unit.

OIKO has secured a new World Bank-led project within the EU-funded EU4Environment Programme! This project aims to provide consultancy services focused on identifying climate finance and carbon pricing opportunities within Ukraine’s forestry sector.

We extend our sincere congratulations to our partners, ForestCom, and the Ukrainian National Forestry University! Today marks the beginning of our journey as we’ve just concluded our kick-off meeting with the entire team, ready to tackle the challenges of sustainable forest management and environmental protection together.

Unleashing Bioeconomy Potential in Paraguay

Unleashing Bioeconomy Potential in Paraguay

By Eugenia Lagutkina

OIKO, as part of a World Bank technical team, presented the results of a bioeconomy analysis in Paraguay.  

On November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in collaboration with the World Bank presented the results of the National Bioeconomy Diagnosis of Paraguay. This initiative aims to enhance the competitiveness and improve diversification of Paraguayan agro-industries by fostering innovation and added value within priority value chains: biopharmaceuticals, organic meat, petitgrain for cosmetics, and bio-packaging. 

OIKO team coordinated the research and analysis. During a workshop attended by over 70 representatives, Miguel Trillo presented the findings on various bioeconomy sectors, potential supply chains, and innovative products suitable for Paraguay. 

Bioeconomy is an approach that utilizes renewable biological resources to produce goods and services with a high degree of innovation and added value. Collaborative efforts among the public, private sector, and academia are crucial for implementing the principles and practices of the bioeconomy and fostering its sustainable development within the country’s economy.   

Technical assistance and capacity-building support to the Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility · LoCAL

Technical assistance and capacity-building support to the Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility · LoCAL

By Eugenia Lagutkina

We are pleased to announce that OIKO will be providing technical assistance and capacity-building support to the Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility · Local, in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.

We are a part of the consortium led by Adelante Knowledge and Development to support the integration of climate change adaptation into local and municipal plans and budgets, as well as the implementation of climate adaptation measures in local strategies.

We look forward to expanding our collaboration with partners Citepa, CER Indonesia, PlanAdapt, Best – Bureau d’Expertise Sociale et de Diffusion Technique, and Centre de Suivi et d’Assistance en Management ♻️

Congratulations to everyone involved in this contract and challenged to ensure climate impact during implementation!

OIKO at the CTCN Latin America and the Caribbean NDE Forum 2023

OIKO at the CTCN Latin America and the Caribbean NDE Forum 2023

By Veronika Macku

System Transformation through Climate Technology Transfer

As a member of the CTCN Climate Technology Center & Network, OIKO has been invited to the annual CTCN Latin America and the Caribbean NDE Forum. The event was held from October 24 to 27 as part of Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2023 in Panama City.

This Forum brings together Government representatives, CTCN technical Advisory Board and other country stakeholders, in a platform for networking, sharing experiences, and forging new collaborations.

This year the Forum’s primary focus revolved around the recently introduced CTCN’s 3rd Programme of Work (2023-2027). This program is designed to amplify transformational impacts and upscale key service areas through the utilization of two proven technologies: the National System of Innovation and Digitalization, actserving as enablers of systemic change.

CTCN’s priorities are centered around five major areas for system transformation:

· Water-Food-Energy Nexus
· Building and Infrastructure
· Sustainable Mobility
· Energy Systems
· Business and Industry

As part of the program, our specialist Veronica Macku presented a climate technology solution for decarbonization of the dairy sector, that was implemented in one of our recent projects in Uruguay. We’re also pleased to share that our Technical Needs Assessment (TNA) project in Paraguay received recognition in the DNA’s report on ongoing CTCN initiatives in the country.

We’re deeply grateful to the CTCN team and to all the participants for the excellent organization of the event. It was a remarkable opportunity for networking and exchange of experience. We look forward to further cooperation with CTCN network in the development and transfer of climate technology to Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as across the globe.

Field visits to Celaque National Park · Capacity building and workshops in rural communities

Field visits to Celaque National Park · Capacity building and workshops in rural communities

By Eugenia Lagutkina


Designing nature-based solutions with an ethnic and gender-equity approach, to increase the resilience of rural mountain communities in protected natural areas affected by extreme weather events in Honduras


Climate Technology Center Network (CTCN)



The OIKO team has begun conducting risk and vulnerability assessments as part of our CTCN-funded project in Honduras. The main work is taking place in the Celaque National Park in the west of the country. The OIKO and INCEBIO technical team, represented by Joe Ryan and Héctor Orlando Portillo Reyes, with MAPANCE support, is visiting three mountain indigenous communities of Malsincales, Rio Negro and Chimis Montaña.

Experts are conducting community meetings and collecting information on areas of greatest impact from hurricanes Eta and Iota. Through these activities, the team is mapping the risks and threats that have affected and are still affecting the community. The main purpose of this work is to raise public awareness of risks and build up capacity to tackle extreme weather events, such as landslides, and mitigate their impacts.

In September, our international team will hold a series of workshops for local communities, local governments, and the private sector. Each session will focus on a different aspect of preserving indigenous cultural heritage related to climate, biodiversity, resources and disaster risk management.

The mission of our project in Honduras is to boost mountain community resilience through integration; stakeholder engagement; and capacity building of indigenous groups, institutions, and local governments.

Eyes in the sky · Drones are changing agriculture

Eyes in the sky · Drones are changing agriculture

By Eugenia Lagutkina


Development of a sector-specific curriculum for participatory UAS mapping & geospatial analysis training courses, and design of policy and operations manuals in Grenada and Guyana.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


GISCAD Limited, OpenPlan

This week, the OIKO team, along with our partners at GISCAD Limited and OpenPlan, is kicking off a series of regional trainings aimed at enhancing drone operation capabilities in Grenada and Guyana.

The initiative to use drones for crop monitoring which supports disaster response and risk reduction in the agricultural sector is led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Obtaining time-critical and reliable data is becoming increasingly important for the agricultural sector in Grenada and Guyana as these countries are facing the growing impacts of climate change. In recent years, this has become evident through the growing occurrence of severe weather events, including hurricanes, tropical storms, droughts, and floods.

The trainings are attended by representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture of both countries. During the training modules, participants will get a comprehensive understanding of how to operate and utilize drones, as well as opportunities to jointly develop ideas and projects for the region.

Presentan proceso y avances de la Evaluación de Necesidades Tecnológicas y Plan de Acción Tecnológica

Presentan proceso y avances de la Evaluación de Necesidades Tecnológicas y Plan de Acción Tecnológica

By Miguel Trillo

El Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADES), a través de la Dirección Nacional de Cambio Climático (DNCC), realizó un taller de presentación sobre el proceso y los avances de la Evaluación de Necesidades Tecnológicas (ENT) y Plan de Acción Tecnológica (PAT). En esta ocasión, han participado del proceso representantes de diversas empresas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil, quienes han realizado consultas y comentarios sobre el proceso presentado por la consultora internacional OIKO, principal responsable, y su aliado local, Investigación para el Desarrollo (ID).

El Director Nacional de Cambio Climático, Ing. Ulises Lovera, explicó en su mensaje de inicio del taller el proceso por el cual se ha pasado y que con este proyecto se está cumpliendo con un acuerdo no mandatorio a nivel internacional para encarar el cambio climático, que es la evaluación de necesidades y elaboración del Plan de Acción Tecnológica para mitigar o lograr una adaptación al cambio climático.

Así mismo, se cumplió con el objetivo de dar a conocer el proyecto ENT y los PAT con el sector privado. Además de identificar el rol del sector privado y la sociedad civil con relación a las tecnologías climáticas identificadas, mediante mesas de debate y recibir aportes desde la visión del sector privado.

De esta manera, se ha logrado consensuar tanto con el sector público (el día 13/03), como con el sector privado en esta ocasión. En los próximos meses el proyecto estará llegando a su fin y dejará para el país un portafolio de tecnologías priorizadas por los mismos actores claves, los cuales se buscará implementar con financiamiento externo.

Technology prioritization workshop held with MADES to deal with climate change

Technology prioritization workshop held with MADES to deal with climate change

By Miguel Trillo

El Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADES), a través de la Dirección Nacional de Cambio Climático (DNCC), realizó un taller de presentación y validación de avances de la Evaluación de Necesidades Tecnológicas (ENT) y Plan de Acción Tecnológica (PAT).

En el mismo se avanzó en la priorización de tecnologías en el marco del programa de las Naciones Unidas, a través del Centro de Tecnologías Climáticas (CTCN) https://www.ctc-n.org/countries, que financia esta iniciativa, para hacer un diagnóstico de cuáles son las iniciativas más viables en el Paraguay, para alcanzar las metas y compromisos de la Comunicación de Adaptación y Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada (NDC por sus siglas en inglés).

El taller ha contado con trabajos grupales divididos por sectores priorizados: 1. Ecosistemas y biodiversidad / Recursos hídricos / Uso de la Tierra, Producción agropecuaria, forestal y seguridad alimentaria Cambio del Uso de la Tierra y Silvicultura (UTCUTS). 2. Energía y Transporte y 3. Un grupo compuesto por los representantes del sector Procesos industriales y uso de producto (IPPU), donde se han trabajado sobre las tecnologías priorizadas.

Como próximos pasos, el MADES, una vez consensuado estará reportando a la CMNUCC su Evaluación de Necesidades tecnológicas y su Plan de acción en tecnología climática, así también como parte de los productos del equipo consultor se desarrollarán dos notas conceptuales, para obtener financiamiento externo, en base al portafolio de tecnologías priorizados por las propias instituciones clave.

La apertura del taller estuvo a cargo del Director Nacional de Cambio Climático, Ing. Ulises Lovera y se contó con la participación de diversos sectores en la acción climática. Seguidamente, los responsables de la consultora internacional OIKO, Miguel Trillo y Verónika Macku, presentaron el contexto y los objetivos del trabajo que lleva más de un año, así también, las tecnologías priorizadas en los talleres virtuales con expertos.