Land use and planning coastal scenarios for 6 Caribbean countries

Land use and planning coastal scenarios for 6 Caribbean countries

Development of land use and planning coastal scenarios for 6 pilot countries

The objective of this project was to improve regional processes of climate relevant data acquisition, storage, analysis, access, transfer and dissemination and pilot and scale up innovative climate resilient initiatives.

The goal was to support the use of models so as to enhance understanding of risks from climate change related events (sometimes catastrophic) so that those risks can be managed through integrated actions and interventions.

InVEST is a suite of free, open-source software models used to map and value the goods and services from nature that sustain and fulfill human life. Despite its importance, this natural capital is poorly understood, scarcely monitored, and, in many cases, undergoing rapid degradation and depletion. The multi-service, modular design of InVEST provides an effective tool for balancing the environmental and economic goals of governments, non-profits, international lending institutions, and corporations.

The Outcomes

The key objective was to help local stakeholders to understand and appreciate the role and importance of climate change scenarios in coastal planning and coastal zone management.

The training set the bases for stakeholders to set-up, edit and update coastal scenarios using specific modeling techniques, and train them in possible uses of these scenarios in the decision-making process. The Service helped produce scenarios for possible futures and applications and there is an expectation that stakeholders in each Pilot Country did:

  • Improve their understanding of modelling techniques
  • Gain an appreciation of the importance of data-driven and science based planning
  • Understand the role marine and terrestrial habitats play on the impact of climate change
  • Realise the potential of scenario-based planning through different examples

Next you can see an interactive map from the island of Dominica. This is an example of the accesibility of information that the workshops focused on. Clicking on the “Layers” icon, different information data retrieved by local experts is accesible.


Jamaica · Haiti · Dominica · St. Vincent & Grenadinies · St. Lucia · Grenada


2021 · 2022


UWI · CIF · IDB / Open Plan

Bioecological study of St. Lucia with GIS data

The service helps understand the role marine and terrestrial habitats play on the impact of climate change

The aim is to make relevant information available and accessible, to improve life’s quality for vulnerable populations

Benthic habitat mapping is a fundamental component of ecosystem-based coastal management

Environmental feasibility study for Paraguay

Environmental feasibility study for Paraguay

Environmental Feasibility Study for Paraguay

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the EU and Paraguay have been gradually strengthening their ties. The European Union (EU) was very active in Paraguay, specially supporting the Agenda for Change and the Strategic Framework and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy. The priorities under an era of climate change threats have shifted and the EU is highly committed now to the New Green Deal to respond to the challenges of climate change and Paraguay´s economy and ecosystems are extremely exposed to the risks of deforestation and climate change impacts.

Map of Paraguay showing the key biodiversity areas overlaping the official protected areas. Source: Oiko

The EU Delegation (EUD) in Asuncion requested technical assistance to identify strategic areas of support the future EU cooperation with Paraguay in the sector of environment ́protection and fight against climate change. The goal of this proposed assignment is to analyse the specific environmental and climate change challenges in Paraguay and to shape the EU support to the Government in this sector.

The objective of this Inception Report was to present the proposed approach, methodology and action plan of this technical assistance.

The expected results

  • An analysis of the environmental and climate change challenges and opportunities in the sector
  • To provide reliable evidence on the environmental hazards (climate change, deforestation, air pollution, water and land degradation, and biodiversity)
  • To analyze the coherence and pertinence of sectoral policies and legislation
  • Review the existing institutional capacities and resources; to analyze coordination roles and stakeholders leaderships, socio-economic interests
  • To propose areas of support, objectives and expected result indicating alternative modalities of interventions and instruments for the future EU support to the sector in Paraguay in the framework of the Team Europe Initiative.

The anticipated outputs

  • A political economy analysis of the current situation in the environment and climate change sectors, including: i) the main challenges and constraints, ii) the analysis of the main relevant policies and programmes, iii) the institutional set-up, iv) a stakeholders analysis and a mapping of existing environmental projects; types and concentration of their benefits
  • A proposal for areas of support for the future EU cooperation with Paraguay
  • A Preliminary identification (specific objectives, expected results, activities, indicators and overall estimated budget) of an EU programme in one of the proposed areas.




2021 · 2022



Protected waterbodies at Limoy

Mbaracayú National Reserve

Provinding technical assistance to help Equatorial Guinea comply with the NDC strategies

Provinding technical assistance to help Equatorial Guinea comply with the NDC strategies

Technical guidance and support to conduct
a technology needs assessment and
a technology action plan for Equatorial

Guinea plans to conduct its Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) with a Technology Action Plan (TAP) in view of the implementation of its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC).Equatorial Guinea has never initiated the process of carrying out this assessment before the development of its INDC, which is one of the new operational requirements to accelerate its implementation.

The Government has identified priority sectors for climate technology which are: Agriculture, Forests and environment, Energy, Transportation, Infrastructure, Water and Coast, Mining and Waste. The technology needs for these sectors need to be identified to promote investment in climate technologies.

Oiko’s assistance will entail conducting a categorization and prioritization of technologies that will comply with the Equatorial Guinean NDC and other strategies.

The fundamental goal is to enable Equatorial Guinea to implement its climate targets using the most appropriate technologies. In this context, the TNA report and TAP will provide the necessary guidance to evolve the prioritized technologies and address the country needs in climate change adaptation and mitigation.

The anticipated outcome of this TNA will present a number of strategic, long-term, participatory measures across the identified and prioritized sectors that will drive climate resilient and low carbon growth in Equatorial Guinea.

Expected Outcomes

  • Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms in place to govern and coordinate climate action and finance
  • Country Programming process
  • Climate finance strategies strengthened, private sector mobilized and project pipeline enhanced

The Actions

The main activities to be covered by the technical assistance will be:

  • Supporting introduction of coordination for the TNA/TAP process with the NDE; 2. Taking stock of existing low-carbon technologies in Equatorial Guinea.
  • Undertaking comprehensive identification of technical and technology needs by NDC sector.
  • Identifying technical capacity-building needs for deployment of these technologies.
  • Implementing the Equatorial Guinea technology action plan (TAP) in cooperation with all stakeholders.


Equatorial Guinea


2021 · 2022



Mitigation & Adaptation plans to create climate-smart communes in Togo

Mitigation & Adaptation plans to create climate-smart communes in Togo

Development of a methodology to create climate-smart communes in Togo and formulate 4 mitigation and adaptation action plans

The purpose was to provide Togo with a conceptual framework for the development of climate-smart communes in close cooperation with all stakeholders. This methodology was applied in order to develop climate change adaptation and mitigation plans, that were defined on the basis of 10 selected communes that represent Togo’s climate diversity. Out of this 10, the created methodology was applied to 4 communes that received plans specific to their context and as a result of the technical assistance provided. This plans took into account key economic sectors such as transport, energy, agriculture and waste. In addition, the objective of this project was also to create a convergence cluster through its interventions in order to guarantee the achievement of sustainable development objectives in the 4 communes.

Excerpt image from the Togo dossier, representing a mock-up of the actions needed for the specific location of Kpalimé in the Kloto 1 region. Source: TAM Associatti and Oikologica

Excerpt image from the Togo dossier, representing a mock-up of the actions needed for the specific location of Kpalimé in the Kloto 1 region. Source: TAM Associatti and Oikologica


The Expected Outcomes

  • Development of communication documents
  • Vulnerability assessment of ten targeted urban communes (these communes will be selected beforehand by Togo)
  • Establishing a conceptual framework for “climate smart” Communes in close cooperation with all stakeholders.
  • Formulation of an action plan for adaptation and mitigation to the effects of climate change is developed ́ for each of the four selected communes.
  • Final adaptation and mitigation plans and formulation of a concept note.
  • Carrying out awareness campaign

The Actions

The main activities covered by the technical assistance are:

  • Development of a conceptual framework for “climate-smart” Communes in close cooperation with all stakeholders
  • Creation of a vulnerability assessment of the ten targeted urban communes
  • Elaboration of a model for the transformation of four communes into Climate Smart Communes integrating energy, mobility, waste, vegetation cover and agricultural transformation to improve the resilience of communities and ecosystems




2021 · 2022


CTCN · Climate Analytics / Jeunes Verts Togo

Agroecological regions of Togo

Farmers at Kpalimé

Local market in Kerán

Developing a guidance action plan to conduct a Technology Needs Assesment in Paraguay

Developing a guidance action plan to conduct a Technology Needs Assesment in Paraguay

Technical guidance and support to conduct a technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Paraguay
Paraguay is a landlocked developing country with a highly dependent economy on the primary sector, which makes it highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as temperature increase, pattern change in rainfall, and intensity and frequency increase of extreme weather events.

Technology is an important aspect to be taken into consideration in climate change both in strengthening mitigation and adaptation measures and in building resilience. The absence of a comprehensive Technological Needs Assessment (TNA) for the country increases the difficulties in determining the level and extent of support needed for implementation of the National Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other national development priorities, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The country faces lack of specialized skills required in climate technologies, innovations, and knowledge. Other barriers include inadequate infrastructure services to ease acquisition of appropriate technologies, lack of market awareness, lack of research and development of green technologies, inadequate incentives and enabling environment for technology transfer.

Protected and deforested areas in Paraguay. Source: Oikologica

Generally, these barriers affect the development and transfer of climate technologies in the country. More specifically, the country lacks a coordination mechanism between various climate actors in the country, as well as a clear and shared understanding of what the specific technology needs are in each sector. In addition, it has also a lack of a country project pipeline that inhibits climate investment.

Key activities

  • Develop and validate the Work Plan with MADES and the key actors
  • Mapping of actors involved, clarify roles and responsibilities. Validation workshop of actors involved with the NDA (MADES)
  • Establishment of an ENT Committee, in charge of guiding the project and validating all deliverables
  • Selection of sectors and sub-sectors for the Evaluation (Analysis of sectoral needs, meetings with the ENT Committee)
  • Evaluation and selection of key technologies for NCDs (sheets)
  • Development of a Technological Action Plan and support its implementation with communications and training
  • Holding a national consultation workshop for the deployment of technologies
  • Engage the private sector, with a workshop for opportunities to engage the sector






Fund. Moisés Bertoni · Investigación para el desarrollo


Itaipu Damm between Brazil and Paraguay

Improving dairy value chain and gender inequalities in Northern Cameroon

Improving dairy value chain and gender inequalities in Northern Cameroon

Integrated water-energy-livestock project for the dairy value chain in the municipalities of Petté and Wina in the Far North of Cameroon

In June 2015, the Republic of Cameroon validated Cameroon’s National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC) which includes, among other things, an assessment of climate change in each of the five agro-ecological zones, an assessment of sectoral and geographical sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience, an intervention strategy 2016-2025, an assessment of losses, risks and gaps, and a five-year action plan 2016-2020 broken down into 20 detailed project dossiers.

The vision of the PNACC is that by 2035, Cameroonians – especially women, children and the vulnerable – and the country’s economic sectors will become more resilient and able to adapt to the negative impacts of climate change.

The objective is to implement an integrated Water, Energy and Livestock project for the dairy value chain in the Far North Province of Cameroon, that has a strong similarity with other Sahelian countries, where lack of economic growth, environmental degradation and instability are the main characteristics.

Location of the project related municipalicties Petté and Wina in the North Region of Cameroon. Source: Oikologica

A 2018 study on the evolution of temperature and rainfall showcases that climate change is causing a reduction in the annual volume of rainfall, an alteration of rainy periods and an increase in average temperatures. These impacts affect the dairy value chain altering the availability of crops to feed cows, reducing water resources and negatively affecting animals.

Through a number of questionnaires administered in the municipalities of Petté and Wina, OIKO diagnosed the entire dairy value chain, dissecting its different components and, at the same time, understanding its holistic logic and the different energy gaps present to elaborate an assessment of the corresponding technological needs. At the same time, we have also paid special attention to the balance between men, women, and youth through an effective integration of the gender and youth components, aiming to reduce inequalities in the implementation area.

Expected Outcomes

  • Deployment of identified technologies for the conservation of dairy products through shared funding among international sources, the state, and possibly a producer association.
  • Creation of an intermediate storage facility shared by producers
  • A secure delivery system to the point of sale
  • Establishment of small-scale enterprises involved in dairy value chains, dairy preservation, and milk processing
  • Establishment of enterprises for the repair, sale, and maintenance of technologies
  • Increased milk self-sufficiency in the region







North Cameroon Marua region (in orange)

Milk distribution with plastic canisters

60% of milk storage is in calabashes or gourds

Cudled milk, yoghourt and butter are prefered over cheese production

Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) in Ghana

Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) in Ghana

Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) in Ghana

The United Nations Climate Development Fund (UNCDF) is the capital investment agency for the world’s (47) least developed countries providing “last mile” finance models to unlock public and private resources in very vulnerable communities to reduce poverty and support local economic development. One of the finance models, created by the UNCDF, is The Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL), launched by UNCDF with the aim of promoting climate change–resilient communities and local economies to channel climate finance to local government authorities contributing to the achievement of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly the goals of poverty eradication (SDG 1) and climate action (SDG 13).

LoCAL supports climate vulnerable municipalities in extremely poor countries to raise awareness and build capacities to respond to climate change, integrates climate change adaptation into local governments’ planning and budgeting systems in a participatory and gender-sensitive manner, and increases the amount of finance available to local governments for climate change adaptation.

This image shows the main e-Waste dispose areas, mainly from imported european technological waste, located in Ghana.

Since 2017, OIKO has been supporting LoCAL in the formulation of performance-based climate resilience grants (PBCRGs), programming climate change expenditures with technical and capacity-building support in Ghana and Bhutan.

OIKOs work has delivered measurable impact in Ghana in areas such as risk assessments, resilience to climate change and strengthened food security, which contributes to local economic growth, improvement in people’s quality of life at the grassroots level in 30 local communities in Ghana.






UNDP Climate Development Fund

Climate change adaptation is mainstreamed into local government’s planning and budgeting systems

Oiko increased awareness and support for the role of local government in climate change adaptation

Climate Risk Assessment Modelling in Bangladesh

Climate Risk Assessment Modelling in Bangladesh

Climate Risk Assessment Modelling in Bangladesh

Climate change has altered the global economy, and yet its impacts are unpriced in the market. OIKO is a climate analytics company with proprietary software to conduct climate risk analysis, including both transition risk and physical risk, in financial terms that are aligned with the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures (TCFD).

OIKO has created the OIKO Risk Assessment Tool (ORAT), a software that empowers our customers with knowledge of what their economic risks are, where they are, and what trends they can anticipate over decades and across multiple scenarios so that they can manage these risks strategically. From portfolio management to due diligence to arbitrage on over/under-valued properties, the information provided by ORAT system enables our customers to embed climate risk into operational and strategic financial decisions:


  • enables you to quantify risks across multiple scenarios, pathways, regions, sectors, and asset classes, anywhere on Earth, for any time period
  • enables you to change assumptions with a click and generate data for sensitivity analyses and stress tests so you can iteratively explore and discover what really matters
  • enables you to Property-level to portfolio-level insights using localized downscaled data to consider the risks to each asset separately; and finally
  • and finally, couples climate-related hazard data to econometric models at the asset level and the damage pathway level, so you can get the financial information you need to respond appropriately and reduce your risk.




2019 · 2020



Bangladesh is one of the largest deltas in the world

It remains one of the world’s poorest and most densely populated countries

Disaster Risk Management in Timor-Leste

Disaster Risk Management in Timor-Leste

Disaster Risk Management in Timor-Leste

The Dili-Ainaro Road Development Corridor project funded by the UNDP aims to strengthen the resilience of communities living in the Dili-Ainaro Road Corridor to climate induced disasters such as floods and landslides and to reduce the risk of damage to road infrastructure.

OIKO has worked to build capacities of government officials to identify and anticipate climate risk and provide the investments for disaster risk management measures using ecosystem-based approaches. We helped the Ministry of Social Solidarity to conduct a risk and vulnerability assessment and the preparation of the community Risk Disaster Management Action Plan.

One of the projects study image of the landslide susceptibility levels in the Manuhafi region in Timor Leste.

OIKO engaged in direct consultative dialogue at national level with government partners and stakeholders at Dili, and then conducted a field survey and research among the vulnerable communities (25 sucos).

OIKO conducted 25 municipal vulnerability analysis containing environmental, economic, and social dimensions, and climate proofing of the infrastructure sector. Throughout the exercise, OIKO developed a tool to convey a zonal Climate Vulnerability Index for the municipalities, which helped identify its main vulnerability areas and aspects, including areas with a high risk of flooding and landslide. Based on the results of the Climate Vulnerability Diagnosis we proposed a set of adaptation measures, which include enhancing adaptive capacity, ecosystem-based adaptation measures, and infrastructure measures.


Timor Leste


2017 · 2018



Strong wind, drought, flood, landslides, drought, and fire are the most common  hazards

Early Warning System for Glacier Outburst in Bhutan

Early Warning System for Glacier Outburst in Bhutan

Early Warning System for Glacier Outburst in Bhutan

Glaciers Outburst Floods Lakes GLOF in Bhutan. Mountain Gankhar Puensum soars over the border between Bhutan and China. The Zanam glacial lakes spread out at the foot of the mountain. Bhutan’s water resources and river potential for hydropower, estimated at 30,000 MW is the backbone of Bhutan’s National Happiness Commissions socio-economic development strategy.

Bhutan has been a model in South Asia for its environmental conservation policy and the reliability of renewable energy. However, the impacts of climate change are becoming evident in the form of fast-retreating glaciers and erratic precipitation patterns. Bhutan´s water form glaciers that melt as an effect of global warming and form lakes in valleys and on slopes. When the natural dams that contain those lakes burst, floods result, posing a great threat to the surrounding areas.

Maps showing the GLOFS (Glacial Lake Outburst Flood) in the northern regions of Bhutan.

The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan has always made the world’s most far-reaching climate promises to the Paris climate summits in term of carbon neutrality and sustainability. The country is proud of a conservation policy where almost three quarters of the mountainous nation is covered in forests, often watered by snowmelt rivers.

According to the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), the country is now an unparalleled carbon sink, absorbing three times more CO2 emissions than its 700,000 population produces, mostly through hydropower.

With the funding of the EU and UNDP/GEF, OIKO has been supporting the National Happiness Commission of the Royal Government of Bhutan and the Department for Disaster Management (MoHCA) since 2011 with the formulation of the first large-scale disaster risk reduction project, a community-based initiative to reduce the risks and effects of a GLOF through preparedness.


Kingdom of Bhutan





Mountain Gankhar Puensum, elevation 7,541 meters

Three quarters of the nation is covered in forests, often watered by snowmelt rivers

Punakha (GLOF Flood in 1994)