Oiko creates a biodiversity monitoring plan for the Yaguas National Park in Peru

Oiko creates a biodiversity monitoring plan for the Yaguas National Park in Peru

Biodiversity Monitoring design for Nature Crediting at the Yaguas National Park in Peru

This project is aimed to develop a biodiversity monitoring plan for the Yaguas National Park in Peru, focusing on carbon storage, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity conservation, to meet nature crediting standards.

The plan attracted investments by validating biodiversity credits, preserving ecosystems, and benefiting local communities.

Data were systematically collected using advanced technologies such as camera traps and satellite imagery, integrating traditional knowledge to foster community participation. Biodiversity credits were generated from measurable conservation outcomes, verified, and sold internationally, creating new funding streams. A monitoring plan was also implemented to establish baseline data, allowing experts to track biodiversity changes over time, harmonizing environmental and socio-economic goals, enhancing conservation efforts, and promoting community well-being.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Review of existing biodiversity/Nature crediting frameworks and standards
  • Review of existing biodiversity and biophysical monitoring
  • Analysis of most applicable crediting standards
  • Development of a Biodiversity Monitoring Plan based on the most applicable crediting standards
  • Develop a report of what needs to be monitored
  • Finalize a Biodiversity monitoring plan

Yaguas National Park area showing the human activity buffer zone and the main settlements




2024 · Ongoing


Conservation International (CI)

Brown Woolly Monkey · Lagothrix lagotricha

Motelo turtle · Chelonoidis denticulata

Local indigenous Yagua inhabitant

Design of tailor-made climate products and services to advance the mainstreaming of science-based evidence of climate change risks into adaptation planning

Design of tailor-made climate products and services to advance the mainstreaming of science-based evidence of climate change risks into adaptation planning

Technical Support for the development and roll out of tailor-made climate products and services to advance the mainstreaming of science-based evidence of climate change risks into adaptation planning at the local level in LoCAL member countries

The goal of this framework contract was to establish technical partnerships to support the LoCAL countries to develop and roll out tailor-made climate products and services to advance the mainstreaming of sciencebased evidence of climate change risks into adaptation planning at the subnational level.

The actual services provided by your staff within the assignment were:

• To undertake country-wide or localized Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessments, identifying and mapping climate risk, exposure, and vulnerability hotspots.
• Design, pilot and roll out of Local Information Systems for Adaptation (LISA) to enhance assessment of and response to climate change impacts.
• Undertake cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and/or impact evaluations of adaptation projects or portfolios of projects.




2023 · Ongoing



Oiko identified and developed a sector-specific curriculum for UAS mapping & Geospatial analysis training courses in Grenada and Guyana

Oiko identified and developed a sector-specific curriculum for UAS mapping & Geospatial analysis training courses in Grenada and Guyana

Identification and Development of a sector-specific curriculum for participatory Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) mapping & Geospatial analysis training courses, and development of policy and operations manuals in Grenada and Guyana

Strengthen the knowledge and skills of the technical staff of the Ministries of Agriculture in Grenada and Guyana by providing training, policy and operation manuals, and guidelines related to the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), spatial analyses, and participatory data collection techniques to support agricultural and disaster risk management applications.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment: 

Identification and Development of a sector-specific curriculum for participatory UAS mapping and geospatial analysis training courses, focusing on:

  • Agriculture DRM and Insurance applications regarding Cocoa & Nutmeg in Grenada
  • Precision Rice Farming and Agriculture DRM in Guyana

Development of:

  • One UAS Policy and Commercial Operations Manual & One UAS Agriculture Insurance Mapping and Monitoring Strategy User Guide document in Grenada
  • One UAS Policy and Operations Manual in Guyana

Development and facilitation of a three-module training course in Grenada and Guyana, focusing on:

  • UAS Operations
  • Mapping and Monitoring Flight Surveys
  • Participatory Mapping and Analysis

(With an emphasis on Agriculture and Insurance Applications in Grenada)




2023 · 2024



Participating team from the training module in Guyana

Participating team from the training module in Guyana

Participating team from the training module in Guyana

GIS Data gathered by the UAS in the Laura Lands, St. Davids area from Grenada

CARIFORUM KAP · Knowledge, attitude and practices surveys related to climate variability, change and awareness strategies

CARIFORUM KAP · Knowledge, attitude and practices surveys related to climate variability, change and awareness strategies

CARIFORUM KAP · Conduct of knowledge, attitude and practices surveys related to climate variability and change and development of awareness strategies

Support the climate compatible development of the CARIFORUM countries to combat the negative impacts of climate change, while simultaneously exploring opportunities presented. The project consisted in the following phases:

  • Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices pertaining to climate variability and climate change using KAP surveys.
  • Formulation of country specific public education and outreach strategies on climate variability and change.
  • Capacity Building using Training Programme aimed to enhance the capacities of key national stakeholders to implement the Awareness Programme and to train others, as necessary.


Map showing the flood risks due to climate change in the Dominican Republic.

Map showing the flood risks due to climate change in the Dominican Republic.




2021 · 2022


The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

Reducing GHG emissions in dairy farms from Uruguay

Reducing GHG emissions in dairy farms from Uruguay

Technical Assistance to support the Research, Development and Deployment of technologies for the reduction of GHG emissions in dairy farms, through the circularity of flows and materials and the use of climate technologies in Uruguay
Uruguay’s emissions profile is strongly marked by emissions related to food production. According to the latest National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, in 2017, 60% of net emissions (considering removals) and 77% of gross emissions (without considering removals) correspond to the agricultural sector. Within these, 95% of emissions are generated within establishments and 2.5% in industry. Therefore, it is a priority for the country to work on mitigation and adaptation alternatives in this sector, and to make progress in the use of waste from animal production systems, particularly from livestock.

In Uruguay, there are currently approximately 3,900 dairy farmers. In recent decades there has been a significant increase in milk production at the national level, accompanied by a process of concentration of production systems.Production increased by 52% during the last 15 years, from 1.3 to 2 million liters per year, while the number of dairies decreased by 31%, from 5,100 to 3,900 dairies. This process, together with the changes in the global context, have caused production systems to face new problems. The challenge for Uruguay’s dairy industry in the future will be to make intensification sustainable.

Satellite image of Uruguay’s administration limits and main roads.

During 2019 and 2020, the Project for the Evaluation of the current situation of the Circular Economy for the development of a Roadmap for Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay was implemented through the CTCN, a project aimed at promoting actions to mitigate climate change and progress in the circular economy for which two value chains were selected, the dairy and meat chain.

The purpose of this technical assistance is to identify and study climate technologies and circularity practices for the treatment and use of flows and materials. In addition, technologies that have worked at the pilot level but have challenges for scaling up will be studied. Centralized models that include waste from other agricultural industries will be evaluated to determine management models, assessing their economic feasibility and co-benefits, and identifying the actors that should participate in order to obtain sustainable models that can be replicated at the national level.







Paraguay has over 3.900 dairy farmers

Only 5% of the national territory is used to produce milk

70% of its dairy production is exported

Environmental feasibility study for Paraguay

Environmental feasibility study for Paraguay

Environmental Feasibility Study for Paraguay

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the EU and Paraguay have been gradually strengthening their ties. The European Union (EU) was very active in Paraguay, specially supporting the Agenda for Change and the Strategic Framework and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy. The priorities under an era of climate change threats have shifted and the EU is highly committed now to the New Green Deal to respond to the challenges of climate change and Paraguay´s economy and ecosystems are extremely exposed to the risks of deforestation and climate change impacts.

Map of Paraguay showing the key biodiversity areas overlaping the official protected areas. Source: Oiko

The EU Delegation (EUD) in Asuncion requested technical assistance to identify strategic areas of support the future EU cooperation with Paraguay in the sector of environment ́protection and fight against climate change. The goal of this proposed assignment is to analyse the specific environmental and climate change challenges in Paraguay and to shape the EU support to the Government in this sector.

The objective of this Inception Report was to present the proposed approach, methodology and action plan of this technical assistance.

The expected results

  • An analysis of the environmental and climate change challenges and opportunities in the sector
  • To provide reliable evidence on the environmental hazards (climate change, deforestation, air pollution, water and land degradation, and biodiversity)
  • To analyze the coherence and pertinence of sectoral policies and legislation
  • Review the existing institutional capacities and resources; to analyze coordination roles and stakeholders leaderships, socio-economic interests
  • To propose areas of support, objectives and expected result indicating alternative modalities of interventions and instruments for the future EU support to the sector in Paraguay in the framework of the Team Europe Initiative.

The anticipated outputs

  • A political economy analysis of the current situation in the environment and climate change sectors, including: i) the main challenges and constraints, ii) the analysis of the main relevant policies and programmes, iii) the institutional set-up, iv) a stakeholders analysis and a mapping of existing environmental projects; types and concentration of their benefits
  • A proposal for areas of support for the future EU cooperation with Paraguay
  • A Preliminary identification (specific objectives, expected results, activities, indicators and overall estimated budget) of an EU programme in one of the proposed areas.




2021 · 2022



Protected waterbodies at Limoy

Mbaracayú National Reserve

Provinding technical assistance to help Equatorial Guinea comply with the NDC strategies

Provinding technical assistance to help Equatorial Guinea comply with the NDC strategies

Technical guidance and support to conduct
a technology needs assessment and
a technology action plan for Equatorial

Guinea plans to conduct its Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) with a Technology Action Plan (TAP) in view of the implementation of its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC).Equatorial Guinea has never initiated the process of carrying out this assessment before the development of its INDC, which is one of the new operational requirements to accelerate its implementation.

The Government has identified priority sectors for climate technology which are: Agriculture, Forests and environment, Energy, Transportation, Infrastructure, Water and Coast, Mining and Waste. The technology needs for these sectors need to be identified to promote investment in climate technologies.

Oiko’s assistance will entail conducting a categorization and prioritization of technologies that will comply with the Equatorial Guinean NDC and other strategies.

The fundamental goal is to enable Equatorial Guinea to implement its climate targets using the most appropriate technologies. In this context, the TNA report and TAP will provide the necessary guidance to evolve the prioritized technologies and address the country needs in climate change adaptation and mitigation.

The anticipated outcome of this TNA will present a number of strategic, long-term, participatory measures across the identified and prioritized sectors that will drive climate resilient and low carbon growth in Equatorial Guinea.

Expected Outcomes

  • Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms in place to govern and coordinate climate action and finance
  • Country Programming process
  • Climate finance strategies strengthened, private sector mobilized and project pipeline enhanced

The Actions

The main activities to be covered by the technical assistance will be:

  • Supporting introduction of coordination for the TNA/TAP process with the NDE; 2. Taking stock of existing low-carbon technologies in Equatorial Guinea.
  • Undertaking comprehensive identification of technical and technology needs by NDC sector.
  • Identifying technical capacity-building needs for deployment of these technologies.
  • Implementing the Equatorial Guinea technology action plan (TAP) in cooperation with all stakeholders.


Equatorial Guinea


2021 · 2022



Mitigation & Adaptation plans to create climate-smart communes in Togo

Mitigation & Adaptation plans to create climate-smart communes in Togo

Development of a methodology to create climate-smart communes in Togo and formulate 4 mitigation and adaptation action plans

The purpose was to provide Togo with a conceptual framework for the development of climate-smart communes in close cooperation with all stakeholders. This methodology was applied in order to develop climate change adaptation and mitigation plans, that were defined on the basis of 10 selected communes that represent Togo’s climate diversity. Out of this 10, the created methodology was applied to 4 communes that received plans specific to their context and as a result of the technical assistance provided. This plans took into account key economic sectors such as transport, energy, agriculture and waste. In addition, the objective of this project was also to create a convergence cluster through its interventions in order to guarantee the achievement of sustainable development objectives in the 4 communes.

Excerpt image from the Togo dossier, representing a mock-up of the actions needed for the specific location of Kpalimé in the Kloto 1 region. Source: TAM Associatti and Oikologica

Excerpt image from the Togo dossier, representing a mock-up of the actions needed for the specific location of Kpalimé in the Kloto 1 region. Source: TAM Associatti and Oikologica


The Expected Outcomes

  • Development of communication documents
  • Vulnerability assessment of ten targeted urban communes (these communes will be selected beforehand by Togo)
  • Establishing a conceptual framework for “climate smart” Communes in close cooperation with all stakeholders.
  • Formulation of an action plan for adaptation and mitigation to the effects of climate change is developed ́ for each of the four selected communes.
  • Final adaptation and mitigation plans and formulation of a concept note.
  • Carrying out awareness campaign

The Actions

The main activities covered by the technical assistance are:

  • Development of a conceptual framework for “climate-smart” Communes in close cooperation with all stakeholders
  • Creation of a vulnerability assessment of the ten targeted urban communes
  • Elaboration of a model for the transformation of four communes into Climate Smart Communes integrating energy, mobility, waste, vegetation cover and agricultural transformation to improve the resilience of communities and ecosystems




2021 · 2022


CTCN · Climate Analytics / Jeunes Verts Togo

Agroecological regions of Togo

Farmers at Kpalimé

Local market in Kerán

Developing a guidance action plan to conduct a Technology Needs Assesment in Paraguay

Developing a guidance action plan to conduct a Technology Needs Assesment in Paraguay

Technical guidance and support to conduct a technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Paraguay
Paraguay is a landlocked developing country with a highly dependent economy on the primary sector, which makes it highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as temperature increase, pattern change in rainfall, and intensity and frequency increase of extreme weather events.

Technology is an important aspect to be taken into consideration in climate change both in strengthening mitigation and adaptation measures and in building resilience. The absence of a comprehensive Technological Needs Assessment (TNA) for the country increases the difficulties in determining the level and extent of support needed for implementation of the National Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other national development priorities, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The country faces lack of specialized skills required in climate technologies, innovations, and knowledge. Other barriers include inadequate infrastructure services to ease acquisition of appropriate technologies, lack of market awareness, lack of research and development of green technologies, inadequate incentives and enabling environment for technology transfer.

Protected and deforested areas in Paraguay. Source: Oikologica

Generally, these barriers affect the development and transfer of climate technologies in the country. More specifically, the country lacks a coordination mechanism between various climate actors in the country, as well as a clear and shared understanding of what the specific technology needs are in each sector. In addition, it has also a lack of a country project pipeline that inhibits climate investment.

Key activities

  • Develop and validate the Work Plan with MADES and the key actors
  • Mapping of actors involved, clarify roles and responsibilities. Validation workshop of actors involved with the NDA (MADES)
  • Establishment of an ENT Committee, in charge of guiding the project and validating all deliverables
  • Selection of sectors and sub-sectors for the Evaluation (Analysis of sectoral needs, meetings with the ENT Committee)
  • Evaluation and selection of key technologies for NCDs (sheets)
  • Development of a Technological Action Plan and support its implementation with communications and training
  • Holding a national consultation workshop for the deployment of technologies
  • Engage the private sector, with a workshop for opportunities to engage the sector






Fund. Moisés Bertoni · Investigación para el desarrollo


Itaipu Damm between Brazil and Paraguay

Energy-efficient housing to improve health conditions in Mongolia

Energy-efficient housing to improve health conditions in Mongolia

Improving health condition of Ulaanbaatar’s unplanned areas by building sustainable energy-efficient housing

Mongolia faces huge challenges. Around half of the population lives in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, using poor quality coal for heating. In fact, more than 90% of Mongolia’s energy still comes from coal. Low pressure coal boilers combined with poorly insulated homes are causing some of the worst air pollution in the world, 30 times the WHO limit, and 3 times higher than Beijing’s red alert levels.

The Switch Off Air Pollution Project (SOAP) was formulated to provide support to local governments and other organizations and private households, such as the construction industry and SMEs in the ger district. The project’s target group is ger district households and small business that wish to decrease heating expenses and improve overall comfort of the house, and further focus will lie in households below living standards and female headed households.

The Ger District extends endelessly outside the skirts of the capital citiy Ulaanbaatar. The use of coal and disposed tires for heating is accelerating the degradation of air quality.

The project was funded by the European Commission within the “Asia SWITCH Asia II – Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production” programme with the following objectives:


  • Defining climate technological options for a scale-up of SOAP, with social, economic and environmental impacts.
  • Exploring with the local financial system and private bank, different avenues for climate financing.
  • Develop scenarios broadening the project.​
  • Diversification of energy efficiency products offered by SOAP.​
  • Involve more actors and companies.​
  • Find new economic strategies and possibilities for financing the project​
  • Look for sustained long-term financing possibilities.​
  • Preparing a handover strategy.​




2020 · 2021



Yurts in the capital’s city limits